How I Found The Video Editor That Generates Me 10M+ Views/Month On Autopilot

Hiring and training a high quality video editor was the 3rd hardest thing I've had to do in the process of building my ecom brand.

1st was finding the product.

2nd was getting enough custom content

3rd was finding someone to help me edit that content.

It's THE skill right now. Especially if you pair it with copywriting.

The route I took was to master the skill myself, and then delegate it to someone who can do it 70% as good as me.

It took me 5 different hires...

And 8 months of training...

But in the end I was able to completely automate my brands organic presence and generate 10M+ views per month without doing a single thing myself.

So, if you're struggling to find and train a good video editor for your team...

>>Watch this loom<<

It goes over the exact process I used to find mine.

I hope it helps,


My Magnum Opus

Over the past 3 years I've been slowly developing my way of life. I started with the simple goal of being able to do whatever I want, whenever I want, wherever I want. It took countless lessons and more time than expected, but I finally realized my dream. I want to help you do the same, so I started leaving a trail of breadcrumbs. Subscribe to my newsletter to get a new one every week, and a complete archive of all the crumbs so far.

Read more from My Magnum Opus

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